

We believe that sustainability makes fair and profitable business possible

Edita Prima’s corporate and environmental responsibility strategy is based on the three principles of ESG criteria (Environment, Social, Governance). These guide our daily decisions towards more sustainable actions and profitable growth. For us, the well-being of planet Earth, and people we work with, are equally as important as our financial success.

We have been classified as a carbon-neutral company since 2010 and our very first environmental report was published already in 2004. As a considerate operator with a proven sustainability record we understand our social responsibilities, care about the critical living conditions of the future generations and treat our employees, customers and partners as righteously as we possibly can.

Our goal is to continue supporting green transition within our industry, reduce our own emissions significantly and encourage all of our stakeholders towards eco-friendlier, more humane and softer business cultures. In addition to lowering our own carbon footprint, we provide our staff members fair working practices, offer them comprehensive training options, follow our ethical guidelines closely and monitor all of Edita Prima’s activities with regular surveys.

We are 165-year-old company that remains deeply committed to modern information security, comprehensive data protection and smooth customer communication. We believe that a compassionate and profitable business, built on the ideas of openness, trust and self-criticism, most certainly can be achieved.

There has never been a better time, or a greater need, for sustainable-driven collaboration than now.

Our long-term sustainability strategy is based on universally recognized ESG standards

ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) is a globally known acronym which refers to the environmental and social responsibilities of companies and their good governance policies. We believe that our continuous ESG commitment makes versatile, considerate and successful business culture possible.


We reduce Edita Prima’s (and our customers’) environmental impact by systematically investing in improved sustainability expertise. One logical early step, for example, has been transitioning to renewable electricity. Since 2010 Edita Prima has been classified as a carbon-neutral company which is primarily based on our continuous carbon footprint reduction that is monitored by regular measuring and reliable reporting, and secondarily on compensation models that we use.


We are committed to building a company based on the elements of trust and transparency that provides learning opportunities, nurtures talent, offers inspirational leadership and rewards our staff members fairly for their achievements. We appreciate diversity and train our employees, measure their well-being, report the results openly and use whistleblowing channels for possible abuse cases. Our guiding principles are an essential part of our daily working practices and long-term culture.


We unconditionally respect the principles of good governance. We follow the required statutory requirements and always communicate openly. Our ongoing sustainability measures comply with officially recognized international operating principles, guidelines and standards such as the UN Global Compact and the ISO 14001 environmental management standard. Edita Prima has been awarded the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certificate for the top-class information security management system. Regular monitoring, transparent customer communication, proven client satisfaction and up-to-date data security will continue to be the foundation of our success.


We want to conduct a sustainable, fair and profitable business while providing our stakeholders high-quality products and top-level services that help us form and maintain mutually respectful client relationships. Efficient internal controls safeguard our data and guarantee trustworthiness of information used. Steady risk monitoring enables us to react and manage potential menace situations preventively. We are committed to running our business effectively aiming for long-term financial success and responsible growth.

We are genuinely committed to managing our business sustainably, respecting our environmental and social responsibilities and ensuring good governance throughout our culture and daily activities.

This is how we reduce our carbon footprint

Edita Prima has taken concrete steps and substantial actions towards a more sustainable business culture for two decades. Our first environmental report was published already in 2004 and since 2010 we have been classified as a carbon-neutral company which is based on the combination of carbon footprint reduction, carbon footprint monitoring and carbon footprint reporting as well as compensation mechanisms that we use.

Our primary goal, of course, is to reduce the overall carbon footprint caused by all of our business-related activities. Vast majority of our emissions currently origin from production phases and we are deeply committed to further developing our productional operations to turn them as harmless and environmental-friendly as possible. To achieve that we closely monitor the effects of our operations annually and simultaneously guide our clients towards more effective customer communication models with the aim of minimizing both the paper usage and the amount of waste material generated.

The first step of our sustainability actions is minimizing the carbon footprint. The second step is verifying the numbers with solid reporting. Finally, we offset any remaining emissions through reliable compensation mechanisms which means buying  climate units from the voluntary carbon markets. Our calculations are ultimately reviewed by the Swiss carbon finance consultancy company South Pole Group which subsequently has granted Edita Prima the right to use its prestigious climate neutrality certificate.


Our production facilities and offices use electricity produced with renewable energy.


We constantly improve our energy efficiency. Our production plant's lighting and waste-paper handling systems, for example, have been renewed for energy efficiency.


We prefer to collaborate with partners who have a proven sustainability track record.


We reduce short and long business trips by prioritizing video conferences.


We reduce home and workplace commuting through versatile remote work.


Our company car benefit policy reduces carbon dioxide emissions caused by our staff.


We financially support our employees’ useof public transport and offer them bicycle benefits.


We offset our carbon dioxide emissions by financing clean development mechanism projects monitored by the UN.


We use environmentally compensated transport services or compensate emissions caused by other means of transports.


We offer our staff members training in environmental matters.


We increase the overall efficiency of our production chain.


We guide our clients towards more sustainable businesses that harm the planet Earth as little as possible.

Sustainable business requires transparent reporting

Annual report

We at Edita Prima believe that sustainable, fair and profitable business is built on the ideas of ESG criteria’s that refer to environmental and social responsibilities and good governance policies of companies. Please check out our latest annual report for more detailed information.

Environmental report

Edita Prima has been taking concrete steps towards greater sustainability for 20 years. Our first environmental report was published in 2004 and we will continue to be the Finnish pioneers of sustainable development and responsible business within our industry. Please check out our latest environmental report for more detailed information. Please note that this particular report currently is only available in Finnish.

Greenhouse gas accounting report

Edita Prima has been classified as a carbon-neutral company since 2010. This is based on proven actions and solid results of our carbon footprint reduction, monitoring and reporting as well as reliable compensation mechanisms that we use. Please check out our latest greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting report for more detailed information.

We want to be the leading Finnish pioneers of considerate business culture within our industry

1. Certified Environmental System: Edita Prima’s production facility in Helsinki, Finland is certified according to the international ISO 14001 environmental management standard.
We take all environmental and safety matters responsibly, seriously and carefully. Our main goal is to steadily reduce the overall environmental impact of our operations.
2. Information Security Certification: Edita Prima has been granted the international information security management system ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certificate by Kiwa Inspecta.
High information security is an essential part of our sustainability management, risk management and business continuity management. We are committed to further improving our information security and reliable customer data processing remains as our top priority.
3. Quality Certification: Edita Prima's quality management system ISO 9001:2015 covers all of our operations.
We closely follow the principles of quality policy and operating systems throughout our operations. We regularly monitor our results and are committed to continuous improvement. We provide high-quality products and are committed to continuous improvement of our top-class services.
4. EcoVadis Gold Standard: The world’s leading sustainability evaluator EcoVadis has granted Edita Prima the prestigious gold level rating which only five percent of over 75 000 evaluated services receive.
Our environment and climate expertise, employees and human rights practices and ethical operating methods as well as sustainable procurement are all at a high level of responsibility.
5. Funding Climate Action Certificate: Carbon finance consultancy company South Pole Group has granted Edita Prima a funding climate action certificate.
We have successfully reduced our carbon dioxide emissions and have been able to efficiently offset the remaining emissions by financing UN-supervised Clean Development Mechanism projects.
6. Nordic Swan: dita Prima's production facility in Helsinki, Finland has the right to use the respectable Nordic ecolabel Swan Mark.
The environmental effects caused by print production have been considered throughout our entire production chain. Our materials and processes meet the sustainability criteria required by the Nordic Swan label.

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